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Jelena Jovanovic

Jelena Jovanovic
Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Serbia

Jelena Jovanovic, research professor, is currently employed at Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgarde. The main academic and scientific career of J. Jovanovic is extensive and covers several areas: synthesis of new materials, polymers, polymer composites, carbon composite materials, hydrogels, smart materials. Synthesis with special emphasizes on nonconventional synthesis, e.g. under microwaves, ultrasonic, or cavitation. Novel approach in hydrogel research has been applied in the areas of swelling kinetics, drug release and dehydration. The investigation of the effects of different fields on reaction kinetics of chemical and physico-chemical processes. The isothermal and non-isothermal kinetics analyses of various physicochemical processes and chemical reaction (adsorption, polymerization, extraction, dehydration). J. Jovanovic, worked on the development of new physicochemical processes and J. Jovanovic is author and co-author of >100 papers in interdisciplinary journals, 9 chapters in books and monographs and the monograph ”Hydrogels - Synthesis, Structure and Properties”

Research Interest

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

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