Allied Academies

Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Pharmaceutical Science's Most Recent Advances and Innovations.

Welcome Message


Welcome to most exciting and fascinating Paris, France!

As the committee members of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021, we are privileged to invite you all to the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Advanced Drug Delivery Systems which is going to be held during February 05-06, 2021 at Paris, France.

This scientific occasion will be a gathering of Pharmacists, Pharmacologists, Healthcare Professionals, Academicians, Researchers, Scientists, Industrialists and Students from across the Globe and aims to provide a holistic exposure on cutting-edge technologies, new therapeutics, research and development, and challenges in the field of pharma and public health. And the main theme of the conference will be “Future Outlook & Rising Applications of Pharmaceutics & Drugs’’. It will be great forum for the participants to explore the cutting-edge research and development in healthcare sectors.

Why to attend?

In recent years, pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors are rapidly transforming into a new level with the development of new technologies and innovative therapeutics. It is further expected to have a tremendous growth and major changes in upcoming years. Pharmaceutical Sciences 2020 provides a wonderful platform interconnecting all these aspects to exchange technological & scientific knowledge to enhance the skills and awareness of scientific community for the betterment and well-being of the society.

Benefits of attending: -

The participants can freely interact with the eminent personalities and keynote speakers and clear their apprehensions and can participate in the various scientific programs such as panel discussions, comprehensive talk, keynote lectures and special scientific events on various topics of pharmaceutical sciences. Furthermore, the participants can publish their research work, give poster or video presentation on their research work in the conference. Business professionals and young entrepreneurs can utilize this opportunity to learn about the current and future market scenario in the pharmaceutical sector and act accordingly.

Luna Grace
Program Manager | Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021
Organizing Committee

About Conference

We are back again!

Conference that dedicated to Innovate Solution to the Public Health Challenges, which future the shape of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems. The Global Pharmaceutical Sector is rapidly transforming with innovative therapeutic approaches and technological breakthroughs. In this fast-growing sector, Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021, thrives to gather like-minded people from various disciplines of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Sectors in a single. The live format of this educational activity will be accredited with CPD Credits. It is indeed our privilege to invite you all to the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics and Advanced Drug Delivery Systems slated to be held in the month of February 05-06, 2021 at Paris, France.

Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021 will be a wonderful opportunity to build networks with distinguished academics, industrial experts and renowned researchers from various disciplines of pharma and healthcare sciences from all around the world and to share their insights on the theme “Future Outlook & Rising Applications of Pharmaceutics & Drugs”. This scientific occasion focuses on expanding the knowledge of the attendees to upgrade performance in accomplishing specific research objectives and brings different forms of ideas for the greater good of human society. In the spirit of science having no cultural bounds, come and join us to explore the new possibilities and ton of new ideas...!

Eagerly waiting to see you all in the conference at Paris, France.

Conference Highlights

• Drug Discovery and Screening

• Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

• Pharmacogenomics

• Pharmacology & Toxicology

• Pre-formulation & Formulation Aspects

• Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practices

• Pharmaceutical Technology

• Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology

• Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry

• Bio therapy and Radio Pharmaceutics

• Biologics and Biosimilars

• Phytotherapy & Drug Delivery

• Challenges in Drug Delivery

• Advances in Drug Delivery Research

• Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology

• Nanotechnology & Drug Carrier Systems

• Novel Drug Delivery System

• Targeted Drug delivery system

• Alternative Drug Delivery Systems

• Peptides & Protein Drug Delivery

• Regulatory Affairs and Requirements

• Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety


Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021 Outlook

Explore the best in Cutting edge Research

Change to learn beyond your field of Interest

Keynote sessions by worlds most eminent and distinguished researchers

Conference Participation Inspires, Rejuvenate and Energize participants

Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021 is an unique platform to increase your reputation

within the Pharmaceutical Sector

Learning and Knowledge in a single package

Speaker’s representation from 50+ Countries

1 Conference | 2 Days

Market Analysis

Pharmaceuticals in one of the main and essential field for the welfare of human society and it is also one of the largest in the global economy. The total value of the pharmaceutical sector is over $5 trillion. It is one thousand-fold more when compared to what is was in the 1920s. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is likely to triple in size in by 2060 and the pharmaceutical industry is around 30% larger than previously thought and is one of top five in the global economy. The total market value of drug delivery technology is estimated to reach USD 1,669.40 Billion by 2021 from USD 1,179.20 Billion in 2016, at a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period. As illustrated in the graph the worldwide prescription drug sales is $774 billion in 2017 and $811 in 2018. The prescription drug sales revenues are expected to reach over one trillion U.S. dollars by 2022.

There is an increasing growth in sales of biological products as well. Pharma market areas such as Generic drugs, Rare disease therapeutics, Active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) are rapidly growing. Packaging and logistics also growing along with the main pharma market. Current market scenario in pharma sector: The Pharma market nowadays is dramatically changing due to new innovative research and demand for new therapeutics and new regulatory policies and requirements. There is an increasing demand for generic drugs from countries such as Russia, UK, USA, China and India in recent years and developing drugs for the rare disease has become increasingly mainstream. Because of high market value and comparatively low development costs, this area has a considerable investment.

According to an estimate performed in October 2017, the total market value of the top 20 rare disease non-oncology companies was about $315 billion and for rare disease oncology companies was about $193 billion. Many oncology-based companies have proceeded rare forms of cancer for approvals. And now, the rare disease market segment is more than a half trillion in value. So, a Continued Growth in Rare Disease Sector is expected in the future. For Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), in terms of geographic regions the market research and analysis estimate that, France will be one of the major revenue contributors to the API market throughout the next four years and certain pharmaceutical companies are now focusing on developing new innovative therapeutics such as peptide therapeutics, Nucleic acid therapeutics and cell therapy. Specifically, a new field of research, Bio-electronics & Electroceuticals.

All these innovative approaches will create a revolution in the pharma sector. Key players in the pharma market: UK is one of the predominantly dominating countries in pharma sector in most of the aspects. With respect to investments for R&D in pharmaceutical sector UK plays a key role globally. Other key players include USA, China, Japan, Germany, and Russia. Future projections about pharma sector: The total revenue of the pharmaceutical industry is expected to triple in real terms between 2017 and 2060. Certain markets would see outsize growth. For example, the size of the China pharma sector would grow fourfold between now and 2060 while the European market would grow more slowly. It is expected that the long-term growth will be driven by new therapeutics such as nucleic acids therapeutics and implantable. It also appears likely that the fields of cell therapy and regenerative medicine will see numerous approvals in the decades ahead.

Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 05-06, 2021
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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